Mud & Magnolias is a magazine dedicated to being the best storyteller around North Mississippi. They create weekly and monthly content that reflects the best parts of the community and asked for a a behind-the-scenes interview in my studio. Below is a video and a few excerpts of the article published in April 2019.
Behind The Painting: Cindy Aune’s Whimsical Art
“Aune doesn’t paint using brushes, either. Instead, she opts for a simpler approach: She paints with her fingers.” Emma Kent
Oxford artist Cindy Aune describes her work and her creative process.
“Aune likes to do whatever she wants when painting, so she’s constantly experimenting with materials and mediums in her work. She loves to play with color, texture and proportion as well. Once she found that freedom to experiment in her work, Aune said she realized painting isn’t as hard as it’s perceived to be.”